Posted on December 7 2016, by Kirstie Palmer.
The brand new Lagoon 450 “1 Love” just arrived on our docks after her delivery straight from the factory in France. She is absolutely beautiful and we are excited for her first charters. On this picture the delivery crew just arrived from France and we are fueling her up.
From the French delivery crew (translated):
We started our ocean crossing in Les Sables, France on October 17 with 4 crew. Our sail trip took about 5 1/2 weeks with three quick stops in Lisbon, Tenerife and St. Maarten. We arrive on November 27 in the BVI. Our sail was very pleasant with good weather and steady winds. We did not have to use our engines much and sailed most of the time. The Lagoon 450 is great to sail with and feels very safe. We really enjoyed this delivery trip on 1Love

The 1 Love comes straight from the factory and needs to be commissioned to get her ready for charter. We carefully “unwrapped” her from all the plastic and cardboard that protected all the cushions and woodwork on the delivery and we added new kitchen ware, linens etc. Her first charter starts at December 24 and she is ready!
For more information on chartering 1Love:
Oh my god what a great job those sailors have bringing her safely to you!
Very excited about our time on1Love in May.